Hello Residents of Beacon Housing Authority (BHA). BHA wanted to extend its sincere appreciation to all residents during these unprecedented times. We are happy to hear that many of the residents have been using the website to stay informed and access resource information.
As you are aware the physical office is closed and office staff are working remotely from home. BHA is encouraging residents to utilize E-mail as the most effective means when contacting office staff.
Here are a few updates for BHA Residents to review. BHA continues to encourage all residents to adhere to the Governor’s Executive Order regarding the use of Face Masks when in public. BHA has posted signs through out the property and has initiated a weekly Robo Call will to serve as a community reminder.
With recent changes since the Coronavirus Pandemic many of us are experiencing new challenges which are impacting us in different ways. As we go through these unprecedented times please be aware of your own physical and mental health needs. Are you feeling anxious, isolated or more depressed than usual? If so, focus on activities that will help relieve these feelings of stress and anxiety. Self care is often over looked when we are busy taking care of the needs of others. Please take some time for yourself and review the flyer below. It could prove beneficial to you or someone you know. Click on the link below to explore the MHA Website:
Mental Health America of Dutchess County is a great resource and offers many programs and services that are worth exploring.