October 15 to December 7, also known as Open Enrollment season, is when
all people with Medicare can change their Medicare health plans and prescription
drug coverage for the following year to better meet their needs. The Office for
the Aging offers free phone and in-person counseling to people with questions
about their Medicare plans. This counseling, presented as part of HIICAP (Health
Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program), is unique in that it’s
non-sales-oriented. HIICAP provides unbiased information.
You can make an appointment by contacting us during business hours at
845-486-2555, or by emailing ofa@dutchessny.gov. With over 60,000 seniors in
Dutchess County, counseling appointments fill up quickly. If we are unable to
book an appointment for you, we can put you in touch with other local Medicare
counseling alternatives who may have space.