Challenge Yourself with the 21 Day Equity Challenge and MLK Volunteer Opportunities

Challenge Yourself with the 21-Day Equity Challenge and MLK Day Volunteer Opportunities.

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United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region is challenging you to a 21-Day Equity Challenge that will share resources about specific equity topics in our community for each day of the challenge. You can choose to read an article, watch a video or listen to a podcast – or delve more deeply into the topic by engaging with all three. Depending on your choice, each challenge will take from few minutes up to an hour daily.  

The 21-Day Equity Challenge begins on Monday, January 17, the Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service. This is a powerful opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how inequality affects our lives and our community. To sign up, go to   Please feel free to share this with your family, friends, students, colleagues and employees. There is no charge to participate and we encourage everyone to join in.  

In addition to the Challenge, you can participate in several virtual and socially distanced volunteer opportunities. To find out more, go to