WALK-IN Dutchess County COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Available – PLEASE SHARE!

Dutchess County, NY sent this bulletin at 05/11/2021 10:36 AM EDT

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Dutchess Responds Vaccinate New York joint logoVaccine Appointments Available at County Sites
Walk-ins Now Accepted!Please Promote and Share this Information!Dutchess County DBCH Upcoming Vaccination Events at JCPenney PODDBCH will be vaccinating those 18 and older at its Fixed Point of Dispensing (POD) Vaccination Center at the former JCPenney store at the Poughkeepsie Galleria. Walk-ins welcome!Tuesday, May 11th, 10am-Noon
Check for available Johnson & Johnson appointments
 Thursday, May 13th, 4-5pm
Check for available Moderna appointments

 Saturday, May 15th, 11am-1pm
Check for available Moderna appointments
Tuesday, May 18th, 5-7pm
Check for available Moderna appointments

 Thursday, May 20th, 5-7pm
Check for available Moderna appointments
 Upcoming Community Pop-upsDBCH also hosts Community Pop-up vaccination sites in various locations across the County to better reach all residents. Walk-ins welcome!Beekman Community Pop-up
Wednesday, May 12th, 10am-1pm (walk-ins 10am-noon)
Beekman Recreation Center, 31 Recreation Center Road, Poughquag
Check for available Johnson & Johnson appointments

City of Poughkeepsie Community Pop-up
Wednesday, May 12th, Noon-4pm (walk-ins Noon-3:30pm)
Catholic Charities
Church Street, Poughkeepsie
Check for available Johnson & Johnson appointments

Pawling Community Pop-up
Wednesday, May 19th, 10am-1pm (walk-ins 10am-noon)
Trinity Pawling School, 700 Route 22, Pawling
Check for available Johnson & Johnson appointmentsRemindersSecond Dose AppointmentsScheduling for second dose appointments will occur at the vaccination site as both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two doses for full effectiveness. Help spread the word!COVID-19 vaccines are readily available, safe, and effective and nearly 60% of Dutchess County residents over age 18 have received at least one dost of COVID-19 vaccine!Please, SHARE this email and registration links with friends, neighbors, and loved ones to help us reach those still looking to receive a vaccination!Please continue following CDC guidance on coronavirus safety measures – wearing a face mask, frequent hand washing and physical distancing – to stop the spread of COVID-19.For more information, visit DutchessNY.gov/COVIDvaccine or call the Coronavirus Information Line at 845-486-3555.