This is Mayor Lee Kyriacou, with a local Beacon update. This one’s brief.

  1. COVID-19:  No additional official information specific to Beacon.  Same stores and city services operating.  Thank you everyone.
  2. Pay Online / Water Bills:  As I mentioned yesterday, you can pay your water bill online at  We are making a big push to pay this quarter’s water bill electronically or by check – so please help us succeed.  Our bill pay function is limited this week to cards only, for which there is a 3% fee; if you wait a week, you will be able to pay from your checking account for a flat 75 cents.
  3. Census:  And again, I know we have other things on our minds, but remember to complete your household’s census survey by April 1st – at 

Thank you all; stay well.  

Official information is on state, county and city websites or on public Channel 22: