There will be a virtual Zoom Fixit Clinic on Saturday January 23rd, 2021.

The event will be held at 1:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time. Feel free to log in up to 15 minutes early to chat with other attendees.

Virtual Fixit Clinics bring the world’s greatest troubleshooting talent together to address whatever’s presented using teleconferencing (Zoom.)

Here’s how it works: show your broken item to the global assembly of community repairers and get suggestions for things to try. After all items are presented we assign items/participants and repairers to Zoom breakout rooms to implement the suggestions and, hopefully, fix the items.

GOT SOMETHING BROKEN? In addition to “carry-in items” we can look at big things like dishwashers, TVs and furniture now. Sign up with things to fix at

For more information about the event, visit: