The dedication and determination of New Yorkers in fighting the COVID pandemic is stronger than ever and it shows in the numbers. Yesterday the positivity rate in New York State was 2.06 percent—the lowest one-day positivity since November 5. Hospitalizations dropped to their lowest level since November 29. Still, we have a lot of work ahead to get New Yorkers vaccinated and to achieve a sufficient level of immunity to defeat this virus once and for all. Help us spread the word and encourage your friends and neighbors to get vaccinated!

Illustration of the Day: “Let’s Help End this Pandemic” by Zachary Mogavero
Here’s what else you need to know tonight:
1. COVID hospitalizations dropped to 3,567. Of the 242,432 tests reported yesterday, 4,996, or 2.06 percent, were positive. The 7-day average positivity rate was 2.57 percent. There were 811 patients in ICU yesterday, down six from the previous day. Of them, 499 are intubated. Sadly, we lost 45 New Yorkers to the virus.
2. As of 11am this morning, 43.0 percent of New Yorkers have completed at least one vaccine dose. Over the past 24 hours, 177,255 total doses have been administered. To date, New York has administered 13,929,970 total doses with 29.7 percent of New Yorkers completing their vaccine series. See data by region and county on the State’s Vaccine Tracker:
3. Starting tomorrow morning, New Yorkers age 60 and up are eligible for walk-in vaccine appointments. Walk-in vaccine appointments will be accommodated for these individuals at 16 mass vaccination sites across the state. See the list here.
4. Reminder that public and private employees in NY are granted time off to receive the COVID-19 vaccines. Last month, I signed legislation that grants employees up to four hours of excused leave per vaccine appointment that will not be charged against any other leave the employee has earned or accrued.
Tonight’s “Deep Breath Moment”: A 17-year-old boy from Geneseo, NY, has an important message for all New Yorkers: Get vaccinated. After getting both doses of the vaccine at the Rochester Dome Arena vaccination site, Zachary Mogavero used his talent as an illustrator to express his gratitude for the staff at the site and to encourage all New Yorkers to get vaccinated. His design will be displayed as flyers and given out as stickers at the Rochester vaccination site.
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Ever Upward,
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo