Dutchess County, NY sent this bulletin at 02/09/2021 04:22 PM EST
New Vaccine Information Form to Streamline
Dutchess County Vaccine Availability Notifications
Options available for those without Internet Access, including Seniors over 65 years old
Poughkeepsie, NY … Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro today announced the County’s Department of Behavioral & Community Health (DBCH) has updated its notification system, refining the County’s system to better assist those looking for information about COVID-19 vaccine availability. The new form is available on the County’s vaccine information page: www.DutchessNY.gov/COVIDvaccine.
Residents who complete the new Vaccination Information Request Form will receive a notification when a vaccine appointment is available to them, based on eligibility, at a Dutchess County Department of Behavioral & Community Health Point of Dispensing (POD) site. As it may be many months before an appointment is available based on current vaccine supply, residents will also receive weekly updates about New York State’s allocations to other area vaccine providers including pharmacies where they may have the opportunity to make an appointment.
Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “We are committed to helping every Dutchess County resident who wants a vaccine to get one. Residents who complete the form will receive a notification when we can offer them an appointment at one of our POD sites, hopefully preventing the stress and anxiety of having to watch for new appointments to open, only to see all appointments filled in seconds. It is important to remember that national vaccine supply remains very limited and it may be months before an appointment is available – as our County health department has been only receiving 600-700 doses per week and we have close to 100,000 currently eligible residents. Patience continues to be paramount as we work to vaccinate residents as quickly as we receive doses.”
The new DBCH Vaccination Information Request Form gathers more detailed information from residents to assess their eligibility, under New York State’s phased distribution program. As New York State continues to expand COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and providing new directives to vaccine providers, including local health departments, the new vaccination information form will enable the County to notify eligible residents about vaccine availability in accordance with the State’s vaccine distribution guidance. Residents will be able to identify their eligibility category – including those 65 years and older, essential workers, and those with comorbidities.
Currently, under NYS vaccine distribution guidance, local health departments are directed to prioritize essential workers in Phase 1B of the State’s phased distribution process – including police, fire, teachers, grocery store workers, public transit personnel and others. Additionally, the Governor recently announced those with co-morbidities will be eligible for vaccination starting February 15th. As more information about the new expanded eligibility is provided to the County, the new Vaccination Information form will assist in ensuring the County is meeting the state required mandates about vaccine distribution to eligible populations.
The new Vaccination Information Request Form will replace current email notifications. As such, the more than 25,000 County residents who had previously signed up to receive such notifications are asked to fill out the new form with their updated information in order to continue receive notifications.
Those without internet access can call the Dutchess County Corornavirus Information Line at 845-486-3555 to hear weekly updates about vaccine availability by selecting Option 1. Those over 65 years old can then choose to be connected with the Office for the Aging to be added to notification lists about appointment availability.
This form does not pre-register individuals for a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, though the updated information received will be added to a County notification list, and those registered will receive email or text message updates from Dutchess County about when and where appointments will be available.
Dutchess County continues to provide updated information about COVID-19 vaccine availability on its webpage www.DutchessNY.gov/COVIDvaccine. This webpage includes status updates, as the County receives information from New York State, about allocations for the week and current appointment availability.