Dutchess Business Notification Network Update for Tuesday, June 16

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Update for Tuesday, June 16

  • In yesterday’s press conference, Governor Andrew Cuomo said hospitals and group homes will be allowed to have visitors enter their facilities. The facilities must still follow social distancing guidelines, and it is up to the discretion of the facility to determine if visitations will be allowed. The facilities must notify the state they intended to allow visitors prior to allowing visitations.
  • Governor Cuomo also clarified that nursing homes are not included in the group home decision. The state is currently studying data from the hospital pilot program, and a determination on what restrictions can be eased on nursing homes will be made at a later date.
  • The state has officially prohibited overnight children’s camps from operating this season in New York State. The statement from the State Health Commissioner can be foundĀ HERE.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this notification or any other business related concerns and suggestions, please email Contact@DutchessBNN.com. Please do NOT contact elected officials regarding information in this email as they are currently inundated with handling the government response to this crisis. This network was created to help coordinate responses and share the burden, and we ask that you please contact us with any questions or concerns so our elected officials can focus on their task at hand. Thank you for your continued support through this time.