Dutchess Business Notification Network Update for Friday, May 29, 2020 Dutchess County, NY sent this bulletin at 05/28/2020 05:00 PM EDT

Update for Thursday, May 29, 2020

  • In Thursday’s press conference Governor Andrew Cuomo announced he would sign an Executive Order to allow private businesses to deny entry to stores and places of business to anyone who doesn’t wear a mask or face covering.
  • The governor said the rules posted on the state website for industry guidance to reopen is for the entire state and there would not be different guidelines for urban vs. rural areas.
  • Additional information has been released on the New York Forward Loan Fund. A FAQ document can be read HERE. A PowerPoint on the program can be found HERE.
  • The pre-application period for the New York Forward Loan Fund has begun. You do not apply directly with lenders like federal loan programs, but complete a pre-application process. That can be found HERE.
  • The U.S. House has passed a bill that would expand the covered period to use funds from 8 weeks to 24 weeks. Additionally, the threshold of how much of the loan must be used for payroll expenses would drop from 75% to 60%. The bill will now be sent to the Senate for possible amendments and passage. We will update you on the progress of this legislation.
  • Reminder: Updated essential business guidance has been posted by the state and can be found HERE.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this notification or any other business related concerns and suggestions, please email Contact@DutchessBNN.com. Please do NOT contact elected officials regarding information in this email as they are currently inundated with handling the government response to this crisis. This network was created to help coordinate responses and share the burden, and we ask that you please contact us with any questions or concerns so our elected officials can focus on their task at hand. Thank you for your continued support through this time.

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