Update for Tuesday, April 28, 2020:

  • Reusable cloth face coverings are being made available to essential businesses and nonprofit organizations located in Dutchess County. The face coverings are being provided by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, in partnership with the State of New York, Dutchess County Government, Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce, Dutchess Tourism Inc., and Hudson Cadillac-Buick-GMC. To register to pick up these face coverings, click HERE.
  • The Paycheck Protection Program portal was reopened yesterday for lenders to submit applications for businesses. Along with the new FAQ document was put out by the SBA that can be found HERE, guidance has also been issued for lenders who have a large volume of PPP loan applications that can be found HERE.
  • In today’s (Tuesday) press conference, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the two warning signs he would watch for to determine if an area needed to be closed back down are the hospital capacity (must have more than 30% free capacity) and transmission rate (must be less than 1.1). Governor Cuomo said he would create “regional control rooms” to track the various metrics to determine how each region is doing. They would also be in charge of monitoring the hospital capacity and transmission rate.
  • By the end of the week, Governor Cuomo will decide on if he will reopen schools for the remainder of the year. We will include information on this as it is made available.
  • Melissa DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor, said during today’s press conference that the state is looking into extending the 90 moratorium on foreclosures or evictions. This is the first press conference where an extension was discussed with reporters.
  • Clarification has been issued that confirms farms can be eligible for SBA loans if they meet the employee and revenue requirements for the loan program they are applying for. That clarification can be found HERE.
  • The state will be sending $25 million in financial aid to food banks across the state. If you are interested in finding a way to help food banks in the state, you can email COVIDPhilanthropies@exec.ny.gov.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this notification or any other business related concerns and suggestions, please email Contact@DutchessBNN.com. Please do NOT contact elected officials regarding information in this email as they are currently inundated with handling the government response to this crisis. This network was created to help coordinate responses and share the burden, and we ask that you please contact us with any questions or concerns so our elected officials can focus on their task at hand. Thank you for your continued support through this time.

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