Dutchess Business Notification Network Facebook group

Update for Tuesday, April 7, 2020:

  • Dutchess Tourism is launching #TakeoutTuesday today to help promote local restaurants. To see the list of restaurants who are offering either curbside or delivery, click HERE.
  • In Governor Cuomo’s press conference today (Tuesday), the governor announced the state has submitted an anti-body test to the FDA for approval. His hope is that if the test is approved and scaled up, those who have the antibodies would be allowed to being working full time again.
  • In the same press conference, the governor also said the state was looking at opening up the state by region. He did not go into detail on what this would entail, but said it would also be in conjunction with New Jersey and Connecticut.
  • The SBA and Treasury Department released a FAQ document regarding the Paycheck Protection Program. In can be found HERE.
  • To find a generic lender participating in the Paycheck Protection Program through the SBA, click HERE.

If you have any questions regarding the information in this notification or any other business related concerns and suggestions, please email Contact@DutchessBNN.com. Please do NOT contact elected officials regarding information in this email as they are currently inundated with handling the government response to this crisis. This network was created to help coordinate responses and share the burden, and we ask that you please contact us with any questions or concerns so our elected officials can focus on their task at hand. Thank you for your continued support through this time.

If you were forwarded this email, but would like to be added to the email list, please let us know by emailing contact@DutchessBNN.com
