DBCH offers Back to School Vaccinations, including COVID-19 Vaccine, at Childhood Immunization Clinic in Poughkeepsie

Dutchess County, NY sent this bulletin at 08/05/2021 11:08 AM EDT

DBCH offers Back to School Vaccinations,
including COVID-19 Vaccine, at
Childhood Immunization Clinic in Poughkeepsie

Poughkeepsie, NY … August is National Immunization Awareness Month and, as families get ready for “Back to School”, the Dutchess County Department of Behavioral and Community Health (DBCH) is offering families free vaccinations, including Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations, for all those interested in having their child immunized prior to the start of the school year. These Pfizer COVID-19 vaccinations are available to children 12 years and older. DBCH’s Childhood Immunization Clinic is located at the Family Partnership building at 29 North Hamilton Street in Poughkeepsie, Suite 109. Appointments are required; ample, free parking is available in the lot across the street.

County Executive Marc Molinaro said, “The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination has been proven effective for children, ages 12 and up. Our DCBH clinic provides a comfortable environment to discuss the vaccine with a health professional and decide if it is right for your child.”

COVID-19 vaccinations appointments are available Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, starting August 16th. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 845-486-3409 or 845-486-3533. Families should plan for the appointment to run about 30 minutes in duration. Participants will be asked to complete a health screening form and DCBH staff will provide counseling on the vaccine. Once the family is comfortable, the child will be vaccinated and monitored for approximately 15-30 minutes.

“COVID-19 is still out there. We are pleased to offer this opportunity for families to get their child vaccinated prior to school starting. The COVID-19 vaccine is the greatest defense against the virus, protecting against significant illness, hospitalization and death,” said DBCH Commissioner A.K. Vaidian, MD, MPH.

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine availability is in addition to the extensive list of children’s vaccines offered at the clinic. DBCH continues to offer childhood immunizations for children, 2 months and older, including those mandatory by New York State for school attendance (see full list here: health.ny.gov/publications/2370.pdf) DBCH provides childhood immunizations free of charge to those underinsured or uninsured regardless of immigration status. To learn more about all immunizations offered by DBCH, www.dutchessny.gov/Departments/DBCH/Clinical-Services.htm

COVID-19 vaccines are avavilable for all those ages 12 and up throughout the county at local and national pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and area pediatricians. Resources and vaccination location information can be found on DCBH’s website. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines for all ages please visit: dutchessny.gov/covidvaccine.