Dutchess County Seeks Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer
Dutchess County, NY sent this bulletin at 07/24/2020 12:15 PM EDT
Dutchess County Seeks
Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer
Poughkeepsie, NY … Dutchess County Executive Marcus J. Molinaro has announced recruitment is underway for the County’s Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer position. The position, as highlighted in the County Executive’s 2020 State of the County Address, is responsible for increasing the diversity of Dutchess County Government’s workforce as well as the 73 municipal workforces the County oversees.
“Our goal is to foster an open and diverse work environment, at all levels of public employment, where inclusion and equity are valued. We are looking for an individual who shares those values and will seek to remove barriers that impede civil service employment for underrepresented populations,” said County Executive Molinaro. “Our Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer will need to be out in the community, finding ways to make government employment more accessible to all individuals it serves.”
The Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer is a senior level administrative position responsible for development, coordination and implementation of diversity and inclusion initiatives to further the County’s commitment to diversity and inclusion through research, education, and outreach. This position is responsible for investigating complaints of alleged job discrimination and will provide recommendations for addressing issues. The individual will lead the County Diversity Committee and will coordinate the County’s 55-a program as well as coordinate requests for accommodations related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Individuals interested in the Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer position should have thorough knowledge of federal, state and local Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) legislation as well as NYS Civil Service Rules. Candidates must be able to clearly communicate the need for, and benefits of, equity, inclusion and diversity to enhance Dutchess County Government’s mission of providing quality, responsive services to residents, businesses and visitors.
Applicants should have broad knowledge of the various community, school, faith-based and other organizations in the region who serve diverse populations including race, ancestry, religion, country of origin, sex, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, and physical abilities. The County’s Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer will establish relationships within the community to help identify and eliminate barriers to civil service employment, develop strategies to recruit a diverse pool of applicants and ensure resources are available to help individuals navigate the civil service process toward successful employment. A Bachelor’s degree and 4 years of professional paid work involving diversity and inclusion, harassment/discrimination investigations and reporting, training and outreach is required.
Dutchess County’s Equal Employment Officer role has been most recently served by Jody Miller, who also serves as Chair of Dutchess County’s Human Rights Commission. As County Executive Molinaro announced in his 2020 State of the County Address, the work of the Human Rights Commission will be further amplified with Ms. Miller solely focusing on the Commission’s work, allowing the Commission to take on new tasks and contribute to ongoing efforts to strengthen community resiliency and improve cultural competencies.
The complete career opportunity and position description can be reviewed on the Human Resources webpage of dutchessny.gov.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest and a resume by August 7th to the Dutchess County Department of Human Resources, 22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY or by email to dcpersonnel@dutchessny.gov.
“At this critical moment, we are proud the County’s Commission on Human Rights has fostered important conversations for years. We have sought to make real change – and the EEO and Inclusion Officer will be at the table directing necessary institutional and sustainable change,” County Executive Molinaro concluded. “Dutchess County Government has long valued diversity in our workforce, but we have work to do. The addition of an Equal Employment Opportunity and Inclusion Officer will amplify our efforts to attract a broad range of candidates – providing our County with the best and most diverse employees possible.”